Have a great 2022!

Published on 8 January 2022 at 14:36

Dear reader,

I'm wishing you all the very best in 2022, may this year (and you), be one of light!


As I'm writing this, it's January 8th, the birthday of both Elvis Presley and David Jones (Bowie). Did you know that? It's also the 3rd year in a global 'plandemic'. The lies of mainstream media and governments are reigning, to transform and end our very lives in freedom, health and prosperity. 


This third year in, inflation has skyrocketed, the working class people have been devaluated, used as lab rats, hooked up to artificial ID passports and multi billionaires are enjoying their extraordinary private space trips (Since they have gained more wealth than ever, due to the conflict of interest in this worldwide criminal agenda).


But besides that, I do believe in us, our human heart. With that in mind, I will perform for everyone, without exclusion and write my music to any heart that's open or willing to receive, let's say, light.


By now, we should stop 'hoping for a better future' but instead, start 'being that future' by living the way we truly want. Join forces if it's being made impossible, to achieve such a beautiful world. Because of life itself.


We are many, we are light


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